Source code for menpodetect.ffld2.detect

from __future__ import division
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from menpo.base import MenpoMissingDependencyError

    from cyffld2 import (load_model, detect_objects,
except ImportError:
    raise MenpoMissingDependencyError('cyffld2')

from menpodetect.detect import detect
from menpodetect.compatibility import STRING_TYPES
from .conversion import pointgraph_from_rect, ensure_channel_axis

class _ffld2_detect(object):
    A utility callable that allows the caching of an ffld2 detector.

    This callable is important for presenting the correct parameters to the
    user. It also marshalls the return type of the detector back to

    model : `Path` or `str` or `cyffld2.FFLDMixture`
        Either a path to an `cyffld2.FFLDMixture` or the detector itself.

        If a path was provided and it does not exist.
    def __init__(self, model):
        if isinstance(model, STRING_TYPES) or isinstance(model, Path):
            m_path = Path(model)
            if not Path(m_path).exists():
                raise ValueError('Model {} does not exist.'.format(m_path))
            model = load_model(str(m_path))
        self._ffld2_model = model

    def __call__(self, uint8_image, padding=6, interval=5, threshold=0.5,
        Perform a detection using the cached ffld2 detector.

        uint8_image : `ndarray`
            A Greyscale or RGB image.
        padding : `int`, optional
            Amount of zero padding in HOG cells
        interval : `int`, optional
            Number of levels per octave in the HOG pyramid
        threshold : `double`
            Minimum detection threshold. Detections with a score less than this
            value are not returned. Values can be negative.
        overlap : `double`, optional
            Minimum overlap in in latent positive search and
            non-maxima suppression.
            As discussed in the Face Detection Without Bells and Whistles paper,
            a sensible value for overlap is 0.3

        bounding_boxes : menpo.shape.PointDirectedGraph
            The detected objects.
        # Add the channel to a greyscale image.
        uint8_image = ensure_channel_axis(uint8_image)
        rects = detect_objects(self._ffld2_model, uint8_image,
                               padding=padding, interval=interval,
                               threshold=threshold, overlap=overlap)
        return [pointgraph_from_rect(r) for r in rects]

[docs]class FFLD2Detector(object): r""" A generic ffld2 detector. Wraps an ffld2 object detector inside the menpodetect framework and provides a clean interface to expose the ffld2 arguments. """ def __init__(self, model): self._detector = _ffld2_detect(model)
[docs] def __call__(self, image, greyscale=True, image_diagonal=None, group_prefix='ffld2', padding=6, interval=5, threshold=0.5, overlap=0.3): r""" Perform a detection using the cached ffdl2 detector. The detections will also be attached to the image as landmarks. Parameters ---------- image : `menpo.image.Image` A Menpo image to detect. The bounding boxes of the detected objects will be attached to this image. greyscale : `bool`, optional Whether to convert the image to greyscale or not. image_diagonal : `int`, optional The total size of the diagonal of the image that should be used for detection. This is useful for scaling images up and down for detection. group_prefix : `str`, optional The prefix string to be appended to each each landmark group that is stored on the image. Each detection will be stored as group_prefix_# where # is a count starting from 0. padding : `int`, optional Amount of zero padding in HOG cells interval : `int`, optional Number of levels per octave in the HOG pyramid threshold : `double`, optional Minimum detection threshold. Detections with a score less than this value are not returned. Values can be negative. overlap : `double`, optional Minimum overlap in in latent positive search and non-maxima suppression. As discussed in the Face Detection Without Bells and Whistles paper, a sensible value for overlap is 0.3 Returns ------ bounding_boxes : `menpo.shape.PointDirectedGraph` The detected objects. """ detect_partial = partial(self._detector, padding=padding, interval=interval, threshold=threshold, overlap=overlap) return detect(detect_partial, image, greyscale=greyscale, image_diagonal=image_diagonal, group_prefix=group_prefix)
[docs]def load_ffld2_frontal_face_detector(): r""" Load the ffld2 frontal face detector. This detector is the DPM baseline provided from [1]_. Returns ------- detector : FFLD2Detector The frontal face detector. References ---------- .. [1] M. Mathias and R. Benenson and M. Pedersoli and L. Van Gool Face detection without bells and whistles ECCV 2014 """ return FFLD2Detector(get_frontal_face_mixture_model())